Software & Finance

C++ FAQ - How to add the individual digits of a given number?

To solve this problem, you need to do mod (modulus %) and  division (/) operations in a for loop until you reach single digit.

Look at the sample code and output! It is easy to understand.

Source Code


#include <iostream>

#include <tchar.h>


// Adding the individual digits of a given number

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])




        int input = 0;


        std::cout << "\nEnter a number (-1 to exit): ";

        std::cin >> input;


        if( input < 0)



        int sum = 0;

        int j = 0;

        for(; input >= 10; j++)


            sum += input % 10;

            input = (input / 10);


        sum += input;


        std::cout << "Number of digits: " << j;

        std::cout << "\tSum of digits: " << sum;

        std::cout << "\n\n";



    return 0;




Enter a number (-1 to exit): 100

Number of digits: 3     Sum of digits: 1



Enter a number (-1 to exit): 123

Number of digits: 3     Sum of digits: 6



Enter a number (-1 to exit): 555

Number of digits: 3     Sum of digits: 15



Enter a number (-1 to exit): 6666

Number of digits: 4     Sum of digits: 24



Enter a number (-1 to exit): 88888

Number of digits: 5     Sum of digits: 40


Enter a number (-1 to exit): -1