Software & Finance

C++ FAQ - Difference Between Assignment and Initialization


If an assignment takes place at the time of definition, then it is called initialization.


Example for a Variable

int m; // it is called both declaration and definition

m = 10; // it is called assignment


int m = 10; // All three takes place in a single line - declaration and definition and initialization

Example for a class

class Shape



    int m,n;


    Shape() : m(0), n(0) { }

    Shape(int a, int b) : m(a), n(b) { }


    Shape(const Shape& other)


        this->m = other.m;

        this->n = other.n;



    const Shape& operator = (const Shape& other)


        this->m = other.m;

        this->n = other.n;

        return *this;





void TestFunction()


    Shape a(10, 20); // calls the parameterized constructor

    Shape b = a; // called initialization and calls the copy constructor


    Shape c(b); // called initialization and calls the copy constructor


    Shape d;

    d = c; // called assignment and calls the assignment operator
