C++ - Function Pointers
The following is the sample declaration for function pointer that takes two integers as input and returns an integer value.
int (*fp1)(int, int);
The following is the sample declaration for a function that takes function pointer as an argument.
int PassFuncPtr(int (*fp)(int, int));
The following is the definition of the above function declaration. It simply calls the function with the hard coded values of 10 and 20.
Source Code
int PassFuncPtr(int (*fp)(int, int))
return fp(10, 20);
int addition(int a, int b)
return a+b;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int (*fp1)(int, int);
fp1 = addition;
int value = PassFuncPtr(addition); // we can also pass fp1 here
std::cout << value;