27 Stars and 108 Padas
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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You can find the list of 27 stars used in vedic astrology on this page. Each star consists of 4 padas and hence totalling 108 padas spread across 12 zodiac sign.
Each zodiac sign consists of 9 padas totalling 12 * 9 = 108 padas.
- Aswini
- Bharani
- Karthigai
- Rohini
- Mrigasheersham
- Thiruvaathirai
- Punarpoosam
- Poosam
- Aayilyam
- Makam
- Pooram
- Uthiram
- Hastham
- Chithirai
- Swaathi
- Visaakam
- Anusham
- Kettai
- Moolam
- Pooraadam
- Uthiraadam
- Thiruvonam
- Avittam
- Sadhayam
- Poorattathi
- Uthirattathi
- Revathi