Vedic Astrology Predictions by KT Astrologer

Love & Romance in Astrology

Love and Romance has got more attention in personal life. When it comes to marriage, people are more interested in knowing whether they will have love marriage or not? If so, when can they find their partner? If single and actively looking, then they want to know whether the person is right match for them or not? You will find answers to all these questions.


If you want to know, whether love marriage is indicated on your chart, you can click on Love Marriage in Vedic Astrology page.


If you want to know about the compatibility analysis with your future spouse, then star matching table is first step to analyze. To get the star matching table, you need to know your moon sign and your partner's moon sign.



You need to look for Vasiya Porutham when it pops up in a new tab or window. If Vasiya porutham is YES, then it would be perfect match for you love and romance. But you have to keep in mind that this vasiya porutham oftens ends up in creating Kanda Rajju or Paada Rajju dosham. If such dosham is present, it is ok for love and romance. But it is unfortunately not good for marriage since life risk of either spouse is most likely. When Vaisya Porutham is there, love at first sight is likely.


Even when Vasiya Porutham is not there, other important poruthams such as Rasi, Rajju, Yoni are present, that can determine your soul mate.


Once you are satified with star matching, you have to look for 8th and 12th house that can determine your longevity and conjugal bliss or sexual compatibility with your mate. In other words, make sure that you do not have Sayana Dosham on the chart.


When will I meet my lover or when will I fall in love ?


Usually the ruler of 5th house, is given high importance. For example, rishaba lagna people, Kanni rasi is 5th house and its ruler is Budhan (Mercury). When a native goes through mercury dasa or bukthi period, he is most likely to come across love affairs. However does it mean that the native fall in love? There are two cases which I explained below:


1. If mercury (on this example) is well placed and aspected by benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus, then Yes. The native will meet someone and fall in love.

2. Otherwise the native will get proposals from the person he or she does not like. Or the native will fall in love with someone who is already engaged or not interested towards the native. It will become one side love.


Similarly for Mehsa Lagna, suriyan (Sun) is 5th lord. As long as the 5th lord is not afflicted and no malefic planets occupying the 5th house, the native will fall in love.


The timing can usually be when dasa or bukthi of the 5th lord is running. Otherwise when Jupiter is aspecting the native's moon sign, the native will fall in love.


For more details on love marriage, click on Love Marriage in Vedic Astrology page.