Vedic Astrology - Why Star Matching is Important?
As per vedic system moon position is given greater importance rather than sun position followed by western people. Emotional bonding will happen after marriage between the couples.
People do follow star matching compatibility since they want to know about the general compatibility, earnings power, children and longevity, etc. Star matching helps in the initial stage. But that's not only thing we should see. Since eventhough star matching is good, divorces can happen based on the natal chart. So star matching is the initial step but not the only step.
The following are the 10 poruthams:
1. Rasi Porutham
2. Rajju Porutham
3. Nakshathra Porutham
4. Gana Porutham
5. Yoni Porutham
6. Rasi Athipathi Porutham
7. Mahendira Porutham
8. Sthree Deerkka Porutham
9. Vasiya Porutham
10. Vedai Porutham
Rajju porutham is given greater importantce since it can affect the longevity of the girl or boy. No one wants to take the risk of life. Here is the link to star matching compatiblity table.
Star Matching Compatibility Table
In the star matching compatibility table you need to select the girl star first and then followed by boy star. Then you will see the results of 10 poruthams for that particular combination.
If you are in Love Marriage, better pray God and proceed with marriage with out seeing astrology and star matching. Since the emotional bonding has already happened, we have to accept the fate. If horoscope matching comes up good for the boy and girl, in case of love marriage, it is good. Otherwise it would be terrible. So in case of love marriage, not knowing the star matching is good.
Note that astrology can be used effectively to reduce the mental stress of the person and not to increase the mental stress. If astrology increases your mental stress, please stop seeing astrology.