Remedies for Manglik (Chevvai / Mars) dosha
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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What is Chevvai Dosham?
Chevvai dosham is one of the dosham which is most feared one since it is going to create the life risk for the match. It is also known as Manglik dosha.
When the planet Mars is placed in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses from lagna (ascendant), chandran (moon) or Sukran (Venus) in a natal chart, then native is considered as suffering from Chevvai Dosham.
However there are lots of cases, Chevvai dosham is exempted. For example, is Mars is placed in Aries (Mesha), Scorpio (Viruchiga) or Capricorn (Makaram), then the chart does not have Chevvai Dosham. Similarly no matter where the Mars is placed, the lagna (Ascendant) of the horoscope Cancer (Katagam) or Leo (Simham), then Chevvai Dosham is exampted, This list will grow and an astrologer can predict whether a chart really suffers from Chevvai Dosham or not.
In cases, if there is Chevvai Dosham for a girl or a boy, then the spouse should also have such dosham. Otherwise it would create life risk for person with not having Chevvai Dosham.
- If you have chevvai dosham on your chart, it is better to marry the person with chevvai dosham. It is the best option you can go with.
- But in case of love marriage, it is very tricky. You have to analyze the horoscope in the following way:
- Check the longevity of the person who does not have chevvai dosham.
- Check the 5th and 7th house of the person who does not have chevvai dosham.
- Make sure the person who does not have chevvai dosham will not have any makara or bhadaka maha dasa.
- Check the 5th and 7th house of the person who has chevvai dosham.
- Make sure the person who has chevvai dosham will not have any makara or bhadaka maha dasa.
- If you match all the above cases, then you can only postpone the malefic effect of chevvai dosham until either spouse starts a maraka or bhadaka mahadasa.
- In case both spouse (husband / wife) is not going to have bhadaka or maraka maha dasa until they become 52 years, then malefic effect of chevvai dosha will manifest only at 52 years eventhough they get married at 30 years. They can lead happy life for 22 years.
- But if they have bhadaka or maraka maha dasa running or starting with in 3-5 years, then the malefic effects will be immediately after marriage.
- In case of love marriage, until maleifc maha dasa starts, the death of the person who does not have chevvai dosham can be postponed. It is also very rare that both (husband / wife) not having both maraka or bhadhaka maha dasa for the next over 15 - 30 years.