Suitable Gemstones for Each Moon Sign (Rasi) based on Vedic Astrology
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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You can find information on Suitable Gemstones for Each Moon Sign (Rasi) based on Vedic Astrology on this page. Based on your moon sign, you can consider wearing suitable gemstone to increase the fortune.
Mesham (Aries)
This sign is ruled by Mars (Chevvai), a red planet. Red coral gemstone is good to wear. Coral means "garden of the sea". Eventhough coral comes with other color like blue, red coral is good for Mesha Rasi people.
Rishabham (Taurus)
This sign is ruled by Venus (Sukra). Diamond is the best one for Rishaba Rasi people. You can go with crystal, sphere, pyramid or palm diamond stone. Royal blue is the good one for this.
Midhunam (Gemini)
This sign is ruled by Mercury (Budhan). Green Emerald is the best one for Midhuna Rasi people. The color should be in green to please Mercury.
Katagam (Cancer)
This sign is ruled by Moon (Chandiran). Moonstone is the best one for Kataga Rasi people. Milky white is the best color for this one.
Simham (Leo)
This sign is ruled by Sun (Suriyan). Ruby is the best stone for Simha Rasi people. Dark red is the ideal choice for Ruby stone.
Kanni (Virgo)
This sign is ruled by Mercury (Budhan). Green Emerald is the best one for Kanni Rasi people. The color should be in green to please Mercury.
Thulam (Libra)
This sign is ruled by Venus (Sukra). Diamond is the best one for Thula Rasi people. You can go with crystal, sphere, pyramid or palm diamond stone. Royal blue is the good one for this.
Vrichigam (Scorpio)
This sign is ruled by Mars (Chevvai), a red planet. Red coral gemstone is good to wear. Coral means "garden of the sea". Eventhough coral comes with other color like blue, red coral is good for Viruchiga Rasi people.
Dhanush (Sagittarius)
This sign is ruled by Jupiter (Guru). Topez gemstone is good for Dhaunshu Rasi people. Yellow or Golden Yellow Topez is the best one. You can also go with Yellow Sapphire gemstone if you would like. But the color should be yellow.
Makaram (Capricorn)
This sign is ruled by Saturn (Sani). Black Sapphire is the best choice for Makara Rasi people. If you have Rahu support or running Rahu Maha Dasa, you can go with Blue Sapphire gemstone also.
Kumbam (Aquarius)
This sign is ruled by Saturn (Sani). Black Sapphire is the best choice for Kumba Rasi people. If you have Rahu support or running Rahu Maha Dasa, you can go with Blue Sapphire gemstone also.
Meenam (Pisces)
This sign is ruled by Jupiter (Guru). Topez gemstone is good for Meena Rasi people. Yellow or Golden Yellow Topez is the best one. You can also go with Yellow Sapphire gemstone if you would like. But the color should be yellow.