VC++ ATL/COM - Steps For Creating COM Server DLL Component and Test Clients
Here is the Step by Step Instructions for creating COM Server Component and Writing Test Application in C++ and C#.
- VC++ - Step 1 COM DLL Server Component
- VC++ - Step 2 Understanding ATL / COM Source Code Generated by Wizard
- VC++ - Step 2.1 MIDL Generated Files
- VC++ - Step 2.2 DLL Export Functions by COM DLL
- VC++ - Step 3 Adding a COM Interface
- VC++ - Step 3.1 Adding a COM Interface - Threading Model
- VC++ - Step 3.2 Adding a COM Interface - Aggregation
- VC++ - Step 3.3 Adding a COM Interface - Support
- VC++ - Step 3.4 Adding a COM Interface - Dual / Custom Interface
- VC++ - Step 4 Adding Methods to the interface
- VC++ - Step 5 COM Client Test Application in C++
- VC++ - Step 6 COM Client Test Application in C#
Click here to download the complete source code of COM DLL Server, C++ Client and CSharp Client