Astrology - December 2012 Monthly Predictions (Rasi Palan) for Simha Rasi (Leo)
Sun will be transiting into your 4th house and 5th house indicating unfavorable position for entire of this month. Saturn is in excellent position but not Jupiter. Venus and Mercury are in very good position for you! Both Upcoming Rahu and Ketu peyarchi would be excellent for you! Mars transit to Makara Rasi by Dec 18 is another huge positive point during this month. Overall this month looks excellent. Great happiness indicated towards the end of the month since except Jupiter all other major planets are supporting your growth.
You will be mentally very string during this month because of array of planets in your favorable 3rd house. Your health would recover a lot. Saturn and Rahu combination in Thula Rasi and Mars in Makara rasi will provide you sound health during this period. One more good thing is both Mars and Saturn are in exalted position (ucha sthanam) and become very powerful.
The relationship with your spouse and children would be excellent during this month. It would be very good compared to last month. This statement would become true for you mostly for the next over 17 months. The excellent results can only be seen after Guru Peyarchi in June 2013. You would be very happy with your family environment.
Your work pressure would ease because of Mars, Venus and Rahu transits are very much favorable. If you unemployed, you may very well get a Job. But salary may not be huge as you expected. You have to wait couple of months to get a huge hike in your salary.
However eventhough your time is very good, stay away from trading since Stock market and speculative investments. If you have a very good natal chart supports trading, you may do that since Saturn can bring huge luck but only for very few people. If you have any homes or properties listed for sales, it may very well happen by end of this month. You may also consider buying a new home or car.
You have come out of your long waited testing period completely. But there will be some minor effects because of Jupiter. You will start growing slowly in each and every aspect for the next over 16 months.
Have fun and enjoy your good time during this month!
December 2012 Monthly Rasi Palan (Predictions) for each moon sign