Astrology - September 2012 Monthly Predictions (Rasi Palan) for Mesha Rasi (Aries)
Sun will be transiting into your 5th house and 6th house indicating favorable position in the second half of this month. Jupiter, Venus, Mercury are in very much favorable for you. But Saturn and Mars onto your 7th house of Thula Rasi is not good for you! Saturn and Mars combination will create obstacles during this month. This month can offer your both good and bad results.
Your health will major setback and may create anxiety due to unwanted changes going around you. Since Jupiter is in a very good position to support your health, you do not have to worry much. You will get the medical help and correct treatment when it is required.
The good relationship you had with your spouse will have severe setback due to Saturn and Mars Combination in 7th house. Stay away from any kind of love affairs if you are single. Since most likely you will select a wrong partner. But arranged marriage is looking very good with strong Jupiter aspect. The couples will have a very strong arguments between them.
Your career was good until last month and you may have some setback during this month. But nothing to be be feared in Job front, you will keep going up. There might be a delay in traveling abroad or you may get into immigration problems again during this month.
The debt problems might have come a lot since May 2012. Still Financially it is going to be excellent time! But medical and home appliances expenses would be more with Saturn aspect. You will get enough money that can be used to spend the expenses instead of getting into savings and investments.
Are you trading so far? Now it is a time to take a break and hedge all your positions. You will make money only based on your natal chart since Jupiter is supporting your growth and Saturn and Mars will limit your growth going forward.
Your finanace and career would be good. But your health condition, expenses and family problems will be there! Try to concentrate more on family front when you get time since Job sector would go smooth during this month.
September 2012 Monthly Rasi Palan (Predictions) for each moon sign