Financial Astrology - Partnership business is good for me?
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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When you find out your chart is looking good for doing business, you will also think about whether you can do business independently or partnership basis? This question comes up because of many reasons:
1. You may not have enough knowledge on the buiness you are doing.
2. You may not have enough money for investment so you need to bring some partner for investment.
3. You may not have enough time to spend since you have another full time job. This could be because you want try the business option. If it clicks, then you can quit full time job and get into business.
4. Geographical reasons - This might be because you might be non-immigrant on a country whether you do not want to own a business because of country law.
5. Minimize the risk - By having partners, you can minimize the risk since it is getting distributed all the partners.
The above list can grow. Let's come to the point. Your chart supports doing business, but it may not support partnership. The reason is partnership involves getting success or fortune through your 7th house. If you have any malefic or bhadaka on your 7th house, then it will confirmed that your chart is not suitable for partnership. Still if you get into that, even though your business might do well but you will get cheated by your partners. Which in turn result in getting into legal issues and litigation, if you have Saturn or Mars on your 12th house.
But If you have benefic connection with your 7th house and 11th house, your fortune will go up with your partnership business. Think proactively and decide whether you can go with partnership business or not. Do not lose your hard earned money without checking astrology.
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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