Doshas in Vedic Astrology
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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In Vedic Astrology, by looking at a natal chart (kundali), we can predict is there any doshas presents in the horoscope or not. There are many types of doshas. Doshas (Doshams) are capable of producing malefic results even though transit planets are in excellent position.
- Kanda Rajju and Sirasu Rajju Dosha
- Manglik (Chevvai / Mars) Dosha
- Kalathra Dosham (Delay in Marriage) in Vedic Astrology
- Puthira Dosham (Delay in Child Birth) in Vedic Astrology
- Sayana Dosham (Marital Problems) in Vedic Astrology
- Kala Sarpa Dosham?