Libra Zodiac / Sun Sign (Thula)
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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Libra or Thula is the 7th zodiac sign and it is ruled by Venus or Sukran. It contains the following stars and padas:
People born between September 24 – October 22 are coming under Libra Sun Sign (Zodiac Sign)
The symbol for Libra Sign is given below:
Libra is a Cardinal, air sign and Saturn is being exalted in this sign. It represents the beauty, love, sensation, and arts. Libra lagna people like beauty, atristic in nature. They like singing, dancing, music besides they like being appreciated by other people.
The 12 zodiac signs and its lord are listed below:
- Mesham (Aries) - Mars - Sevvai
- Rishabham (Taurus) - Venus - Sukran
- Midhunam (Gemini) - Mercury - Budhan
- Katagam (Cancer) - Moon - Chandiran
- Simham (Leo) - Sun - Suriyan
- Kanni (Virgo) - Mercury - Budhan
- Thulam (Libra) - Venus - Sukran
- Vrichigam (Scorpio) - Mars - Sevvai
- Dhanush (Sagittarius) - Jupiter - Guru
- Makaram (Capricorn) - Saturn - Sani
- Kumbam (Aquarius) - Saturn - Sani
- Meenam (Pisces) - Jupiter - Guru