Western Astrology by KT Astrologer
Western Astrology is used in western countries like USA, UK, Germany, France, Canada, etc. It uses the Tropical Zodiac for the planet positions. It will significantly differs from vedic / hindu astrology system where it uses different zodiac like Vakya, Lahiri, Krishnamurti, Drik Kandiha, etc.
When analyzing the chart in western system, the planets position will differ about 23 degree in advance compared to Vedic Astrology system.
Western Astrology gives paramount importance to the planets aspects such as conjunct, sextile, square, semi square, opposite, etc. Midheaven [MC] or 10th house cusp is also considered as auspicious part in western astrology.
Western astrology analyzes the chart in 3 different ways:
Natal Planet Aspects
This gives the birth potential of a person. With the aspect analysis, western astrology provided how much height a person can go. For example, Jupiter and Mid-Heaven conjunct on a natal chart in western astrology will give great fortune. However Jupiter square with Mid-Heaven is not good.
Transit Planet Aspects
Where the planets are currently on the sky? Predicting based on transit planets aspects to natal chart planets, is called ruling planets in western astrology. In Hindu system, it is called Gochara Effects / Ruling planets.
Progressed Planet Aspects
This would be a very interesting analysis in western system. The time the person is born, the planet position on each day will correspond to the effects for one year for the native. It means if a person is born on Jan 01, 1980, then what effects he is going have at his age of 30, can be seen on the planets position on Jan 30, 1980. For the effects on his age of 50 , you have to look at the planets position on Feb 19, 1980.
Moon is the fastest moving planet. Moon takes about 2 and 1/2 days to cross one sign. In this way, progressed moon to revisit the natal moon will take about 30 years. This timeline is equivalent to the transit period of saturn.
Here is the list of topic on Western Astrology