Saturn (Sani) Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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Saturn (Sani) Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology
Saturn repesents karma, truth, ambition, hard work, pressure, ancient period. Saturn is called ayul karakan (longevity). Saturn represents the final destiny of a person. Saturn rules the signs Capricorn(Makaram) and Aquarius (Kumbam). It is exalted (Ucham) in Libra(Thula) sign and debilitated(Neecham) in Aries (Mesha) Sign. Saturn rules jail, prison, labour workers, hospital, handicapped and old-aged people. Saturn rules bones, teeth, skin, bones and joints.
When Saturn is a benefic planet on a chart, the native will see great success and popularity in his or her life. Usually saturn mahadasha does not come as a benefic planet. Since it rules two consequetive houses (Makara and Kumba), at least one house will go unfavor and ends up in giving mixed results. But if and only if saturn is a pure benefic planet on a horoscope, the person will attain name and fame. There is no surprise even if he becomes world famous and / or one world richest person. People running favorable Sani Maha Dasa will see great fortunes in any business or major corporation. They will be placed in a very high position in their career. Many spiritual leaders arise during Saturn Mahadasha.
When Saturn is malefic planet and usually is the case, the person will see wealth desturction and reaches poverty. Their family life will become miserable. They will see great slowness in anything they do. Moderate success is also a dream for them. When saturn is very badly placed and connected with 12th house, the person will seve as a jailor. They will look much older compared to their age.
Saturn Mahadasha can offer great positive results to the people born in Makara (Capricorn) and Thula (Libra) lagna people. Mesha (Aries) and Rishaba (Taurus) lagna people will experience the worst results of Saturn Mahadasha. But this is a general rule and there are lots of exceptions. It depends on the placement of Saturn and its aspects with other planets.
The timespan of Saturn Maha Dasa is 19 years. The timespan of antardasha (bukthi or subperiod) is given below:
Saturn (Sani) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 3 years and 3 days that is 1099 days.
Mercury (Budha) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 2 years and 9 months that is 983 days.
Ketu Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 1 year and 2 months that is 405 days.
Venus (Sukra) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 3 years and 2 months that is 1156 days.
Sun (Surya) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 11 months that is 347 days.
Moon (Chandra) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 1 year and 7 months that is 578 days.
Mars (Chevvai / Mangal / Kuja) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 1 year and 2 months that is 405 days.
Rahu Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 2 years and 10 months that is 1041 days.
Jupiter (Guru) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 2 years and 6 months that is 925 days.
Click on the following link to read more about each Mahadasa.
- Ketu (South Node) Mahadasha
- Sukra (Venus) Mahadasha
- Surya (Sun) Mahadasha
- Chandra (Moon) Mahadasha
- Mangal (Mars) Mahadasha
- Rahu (North Node) Mahadasha
- Guru (Jupiter) Mahadasha
- Sani (Saturn) Mahadasha
- Budha (Mercury) Mahadasha