Dhanushu Rasi (Sagittarius) - 2014 New Year Predictions - Page 1 / 2
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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This year begins with raaja yogam for you since Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu are in their best position. Mars is also moving back and forth between 10th and 11th house is very good for you! This mostly denotes highly favorable period in the beginning of the year. This year aligns up with so many transits of all major planets, you will see things keep changing frequently than usual.
Overall you will have excellent time until June 18, 2014 and mixed results from June 18, 2014 to Nov 02, 2014 and severe testing period from Nov 02, 2014 onwards. You need to settle down very well before June 18, 2014 to face the upcoming headwinds and obstacles in your life.
Your health condition would be excellent until June 2014. You will continue to accumulate more positive energies on your mind and body. But you will have more mental stress starting from July 2014, that can upset you a lot and in turn will affect your good health slowly. This situation would continue until end of Oct 2014. From Nov 2014 onwards, your health needs serious attention and you need to work hard to maintain your good health. Sade Sani will start supplying enough negative energies to collapse your good health. Start doing exercise and yoga at least from July 2014. Meditation and prayers would also help.
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Family, Love and relationship
You will have excellent family situation and happiness until June 2014. If eligible, you will get married and will get blessed with a baby. Love marriages will be approved by parents. You would be very much successful on your love and relationship. If you are already married, you would go to your dream vacation spot before June 2014.
But once you start on Jun 18, 2014, you would have significant setback in family environment. Arguments with spouse and other close family members cannot be avoided because of Jupiter and Rahu transits. Once you reach first week of Nov 2014, you will feel that things are going out of your control. You need to be very careful on maintaining your relationship with your close family members from July 2014 onwards.
Utilize the time before June 2014 to settle down in your family and strengthening the relationship. Since the second half looks terrible.
Work / Career and Business
Wow, you will have windfall profits on your business. Your profits and turnover be in multi-year high. You would be very happy with your business. You will have great success. If you are working, then promotions and salary hikes are most likely to happen. Your work environment would be very good. But you can enjoy these benefits only until June 2014.
You will feel that you are losing your luck from July 2014 onwards. Once Saturn goes against you from Nov 02, 2014, you may even find hard for you to adjust yourself with the new wave of problems. Be brave enough to face the upcoming headwinds during this time. Business people need to be very careful since the combination of Sade Sani and Asthama Guru is capable of collapsing your business and can take you to another extreme including filing bankruptcy.
Immigration / Foreign Travel
Wow! Foreign travel is highly indicated and you might already be in the foreign country in the beginning of the year. Your immigration benefits would be approved very quickly but before May 2014. But once cross June 2014, your progress would be very slow with respect to immigration benefits.
Finance and Investments
Excellent time to accumulate great amount of wealth until June 2014. Since all major planets are in good position, you will see many opportunities to buy a new home or invest in real estate properties. You will get surplus money and it is up to you to protect it and carry forward into the coming years. Convert your money into fixed assets before June 2014 and it is good for you in the long run.
Once you start with June 2014, you may not have any financial luck rather you will have severe setback on your finance. You will end up spending more on unwanted and unexpected things and your savings will drain out very fast. There is no surprise if you need to borrow money by end of this year.
People in the field of Movie, Arts, Politics, etc
People involved in movie industry, artist and politicians will have their best time in their career from Jan 2014. You will regain your popularity, name and fame. You will also huge money and unexpected windfalls. You will reach an elevated peak around May 2014. From June 2014 onwards, things will move very slowly and you would be placed under testing period by end of this year.
Jan 01, 2014 to Mar 05, 2014 Happiness, Excellent financial position (80 /100)
This is the time Jupiter is backward motion in Midhuna Rasi along with Saturn and Rahu in Labha Sthanam. These aspects would give you sound health. You will always feel .... Click here to goto next page
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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