Astrology - December 2014 Monthly Predictions (Rasi Palan) for Kanni Rasi (Virgo)
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
Sun will be transiting into your 3rd house and 4th house indicating favorable position for entire this month. Jupiter is in excellent position for you! Saturn has gained enough energy to give out its positive results to you. 3rd house Saturn and Venus will do wonders on your life. Eventhough Rahu on your Janma Sthanam and Mars on your Poorva Punya Sthanam, you will see positive results for entire this month. Because Saturn controls all other planets during this month and you will see the full benefits of Saturn in this month. This month is looking great after a gap of couple of years. If you do not feel positive results by end of this month, then you need to check your natal chart with your local astrologer.
Since Saturn is taking control on this month, you will come out of chronic depressions and illness in this month. You will be very positive, active and energetic from this month. Your cholesterol and sugar levels will come down to normal. Your energy level and confidence will keep moving up. Both your body and mind will get filled with lots of positive energies as the month progress.
People addicted to drinking alcohol will come out completely and start developing positive attitude. Your sound health will make you enjoy all the comforts in life going forward. You will develop very good skin complexion and attraction so that people from opposite sex will fall for you like crazy!
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Family, Love and relationship
No more worries with respect to your family problems. If you are separated from your spouse and family, you will join back with them. If you have any legal case pending in court, it will come to end in your favour. You will strengthen the relationship with your spouse and you will enjoy conjugal bliss. Eligible couples will get blessed with a baby. Lover will resolve their conflicts and find excellent time on their romance.
If you are single, it is the perfect time to look for a match. You will find a suitable match any time in this month and get engaged. You can get married anytime in the near future. You can go ahead and plan for Suba Karyas in your family. Many subha karyas, functions, parties will happen for you in this month. Great happiness is indicated on your family environment after a very long time for you.
Students will start making excellent progress in this month. You will realize the mistake in the past and focus more on your studies. It is an excellent time for you to catch up on your education level. You will also get admission into good school districts. You will get very good friends that is good to carry forward for many years in the future.
Work / Career and Business
You will make excellent progress on your career in this month. Nothing can stop your growth on your career except your own natal chart. If you are unemployed, you will get an excellent Job with good salary package. It is a good time to change your Job if you are not happy with the current one. You will win over office politics and your hidden enemies will disappear. Your managers and co-workers will start supporting you. You may get financial rewards such as incentive, promotion with salary hike, stock options, etc.
Business people will have excellent time after a gap of many years. You will get new opportunities to expand your sales and business. You can go ahead and apply for bank loans for your business since it can get approved quickly. You will be happy with the progress on your business and windfall profits and turn over are likely on this month.
Immigration / Foreign travel
If you are expecting any immigration benefits, there is a very good chance that you will make it during this month. Foreign travel is also indicated on the cards.
Finance and Investments
You will have great fortunes on your finance and investments. Powerful Saturn placement will help you to destroy your debt mountain and you will be happy build basement for wealth mountain in this month. It is an excellent time for you to apply for a new bank loan or refinance to lower your APR. Your bank loans will get approved immediately.
If you have any pending home sales, then it will happen very well during this month. Your expenses will keep going down and cash inflow is indicated from many sources. You will be very happy about your progress on your finance this month.
You will also start making money in stock market from this month onwards. Professional Options trader and Speculators will have great fortune and book windfall profits in this month, especially around Dec 6, 2014. It is a good time to play lottery until first week of Dec 2014.
People in the field of Movie, Arts, Politics, etc
Things are looking excellent for movie artists, musicians, politicians or VIPs. You will get excellent opportunities to prove yourself in the industry. You will also regain your name and fame as the month progress. Huge financial rewards are waiting for you. It is going be one of the wonderful month for you.
Warnings / Pariharam
This month is also looking excellent after a gap of many years. No pariharam or remedies are required since all major planets are in good position.
God Bless You!
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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