Mercury Retrograde Effects - May 18, 2015 to June 11, 2015
Mercury is getting retrograde between May 18, 2015 to Jun 11, 2015. Mercury will be in backward motion on Taurus Moon Sign for entire duration. How does the effects of Mercury Retrograde will affect you based on your moon sign can be found on this page.
Note that this is based on vedic astrology and if you do not know your moon sign use our Moon Sign Calculator
Aries Moon Sign
You will very much mixed in this time perio both good and bad. I do not see any major issues for you with respect to your love affairs or family environment. You will have to be very careful on health, finance and work environment. You may suffer frmo gastric troubles, allergies, sore throat in this time period. You will also have to be very careful on your finace. If you do trading, it may give you big losses. Work pressure and tension will be more and you may have to revisit your old projects / emails again.
Taurus Moon Sign
This mercury retrograde is going to be very painful period for you. You will have severe setback on your family and relationship. If you have any love affairs, you will have more problems / conflicts with your mate. It is a worst time for romance. You may also have problems with children and other close family problems. Handle your finance with care. You may develop mental depressions during these days that can affect your normal life.
Gemini Moon Sign
You will have great fortunes during this mercury retrograde. You will be able to move up on your career. If you are waiting for your promotion at your workplace for a long time, it will happen now. You will also have luck on your immigration benefits. It is a good time for your travel.
Cancer Moon Sign
You need to be very careful in this time period in each and everything you do. Your time is looking very bad. If you not careful, you will develop serious fights and arguments with your spouse and other close family members that can take you upto creating temporary separation and litigation. If you are doing any trading, you will book huge losses. Business people will suffer a lot for their survival. Your work pressure will be more at your workplace. There is no surprise if you get laid off in this time period.
Leo Moon Sign
This period is looking very much mixed for you. If you do travel, it can create lot of delays and expenses. You are forced to postpone or reschedule your trip. Cancellation and rebooking your ticket will cost you like anything. Even though you are on tours, you would not be able to enjoy anythinga and it will be very hectic time period for you. Expect the unexpected delays and expenses in this time peruid.
Virgo Moon Sign
This is going to be a wonderful time period for you. You will get excellent news at your work place or from a foriegn land. You will see lot of fotunes on anything you do. The trades to do will be very successful and you will book windfall profits. If you have any pending court case, it may come to end on your favorable direction. You will shine very well on your career and business. You will be very happy with your family environment.
Libra Moon Sign
This is going to be a very bad period on your career. Work pressure and tension will be very high. If you are doing support word, you need to extra careful. Besides you may expect to have problems on your vechicle or home appliances. Maintence cost will go up and you will have to search for insurance and warranty documents.
Scorpio Moon Sign
This period is looking good for you! You will be able to see success on changing your job and relocation. You may have to travel either related to work and family reasons. This travel will be most fortunate for you. Take care of health and avoid eating outside. Other than that, this period is looking good only.
Sagittarius Moon Sign
This is going to be one of the worst period for you. You will develop serious problems on love affairs and family environment. Work life is also very stressful for you. You may expect to have problems in each and everything you do. Your emotional stress level will reach an extreme. There is no suprise if you have to go through any legal issues, law suits against you. Chances of temporary separation from your family is also indicated on the cards.
Capricorn Moon Sign
This is going to be a golden period for you with respect to your career and finance. You will be able to move up on your life and you will alo regain your social images. However you may have to take care of your health and you may develop minor conflicts with your spouse. Nothing to be feared in this time period for you!
Aquarius Moon Sign
Your health will get affected adversely during this Mercury retrograde period. You will develop ill health and weak immune system. Your health problems will be hard to diagnose. If you do any trading, it will give you huge losses. Problems with your family members and relatives are most likely. You need to learn and develop your commmunication skills and how to handle politics at your workplace and also in family environment.
Pisces Moon Sign
This period is looking great! You will be able to see great success on anything you do. You may get a new Job or promotion. If you are single, you will find your match. If eligible, you will get blessed with baby. It is also a very good time to move into new home or invest into any real estate properties. You will also be successful in speculative stock market trading.