Mercury (Budha) Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology
Written by KT Astrologer
Mercury (Budha) Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology
Mercury represents communications, travel, studies, research, etc. It is often called as a messenger of god. Mercury rules the sign Gemini (Midhunam) and Virgo(Kanni). It is exalted in Virgo(Kanni) sign and debilitated in Pisces (Meenam) Sign. Mercury rules brain, mind, nerves, speech, breath, hand, arm, hair, ears.
When Mercury is a benefic planet on a chart, the native will be very good in his or her education. They will be very friendly, easy going and talkative. They will judge people very clearly and are very good public speakers. They will see great success in finance and trading. They are very good commission agents like life insurance, real estate broker, marriage broker, merger and acquisition etc. They will also shine well in politics when Sun is placed well on their chart. But they can not stand on their own and they will see success with the help from others. A person with strong mercury placement can choose his field into any research including Ph.D or Doctors. They believe in science and not in god.
When Mercury is malefic planet, the person will be very much reserved and hesitate to speak in public. They can not judge people clearly and will not be in good studies. They will lose money if they enter into trading. When mercury is very badly placed on a chart, the person will have nervous disorder and can become mentally challenged. The native has to go through more emotional stress and painful incidents.
Mercury Mahadasha can offer great positive results to the people born in Kanni (Virgo) and Rishaba (Taurus) and Midhuna (Gemini) lagna people. Mesha (Aries) and Meena (Pisces) lagna people will experience the worst results of Mercury Mahadasha. But this is a general rule and there are lots of exceptions. It depends on the placement of Mercury and its aspects with other planets.
The timespan of Mercury Maha Dasa is 17 years. The timespan of antardasha (bukthi or subperiod) is given below:
Mercury (Budha) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 2 years and 7 months that is 879 days.
Ketu Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 12 months that is 363 days.
Venus (Sukra) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 2 years and 10 months that is 1034 days.
Sun (Surya) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 10 months that is 310 days.
Moon (Chandra) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 1 year and 5 months that is 517 days.
Mars (Chevvai / Mangal / Kuja) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 12 months that is 363 days.
Rahu Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 2 years and 7 months that is 931 days.
Jupiter (Guru) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 2 years and 3 months that is 828 days.
Saturn (Sani) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 2 years and 10 months that is 983 days.
Click on the following link to read more about each Mahadasa.
- Ketu (South Node) Mahadasha
- Sukra (Venus) Mahadasha
- Surya (Sun) Mahadasha
- Chandra (Moon) Mahadasha
- Mangal (Mars) Mahadasha
- Rahu (North Node) Mahadasha
- Guru (Jupiter) Mahadasha
- Sani (Saturn) Mahadasha
- Budha (Mercury) Mahadasha