Venus (Sukra) Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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Venus (Sukra) Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology
Venus (sukra) is considered as a subha graha (benefic / auspicious planet) by nature. Venus rules the signs Taurus (Rishabam) and Libra (Thulam). It is exalted in Pisces(Meenam) sign and debilitated in Virgo (Kanni) Sign. Venus represents marraige, love, kamam, perfume, arts like dance, music and luxary life. Venus also rules the media and entertainment, retail sector. Venus rules throat, kidneys, cheeks, overies, internal generative sexual organs.
Venus Mahadasha is having the longest timespan of 20 years compared to all other mahadashas. A person born in Bharani, Pooram and Pooradam will start their life with Sukra Mahadasa. Bharani is capable of ruling the universe (Bharani Dharani Allum) is a myth. A person born Bharani star can have his life as a begger.
When Venus is a benefic planet, the native can enjoy all the luxaries in his life. The native will attain enormous amount of wealth and popularity. The native can shine very well in movie or arts industry or retail business or jewellary business. He or she is having enough power to attract the people born in opposite sex. They will also do extremely well in stock market trading and betting with options and futures. Things will turn around quickly and go in their favor. Note that all these benefic results can only be seen during Venus Mahadasha and Antardasa (bukthi or subperiod).
When Venus is coming as a malefic planets, it does exactly the opposite. During Venus Mahadasha, they will lose their life time wealth and suffer with lots of debts and problems in marital life. The worst thing for a person is to have Venus as malefic planet and having Venus Mahadasa in his or her life. It destorys the family life as well as finance completely. However once they get over with Venus Mahadasa or Anthardasa, they will shine very well on their life. When Venus coming as a Maraka or Bhadaka, people do experience mental disorders during Venus subperiods. In rare cases, they will see panic attack and panic episodes. In these cases, medical help is very important.
When venus mahadasha coming as a malefic mahadasha for a boy, it is much worse than of a girl. The boy will suffer with loneliness and sequence of love failures in his life.
Related Article: Venus Maha Dasa is good for everyone?
Venus Mahadasa is having the timespan of 20 years. The timespan of antardasha (bukthi or subperiod) is given below:
Venus (Sukra) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 3 years and 4 months that is 1217 days.
Sun (Surya) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 1 year that is 365 days.
Moon (Chandra) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 1 year and 8 months and 10 days that is 609 days.
Mars (Chevvai / Mangal / Kuja) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 1 year and 2 months and 6 days that is 426 days.
Rahu Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 3 years that is 1096 days.
Jupiter (Guru) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 2 years and 8 months that is 974 days.
Saturn (Sani) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 3 years and 2 months that is 1157 days.
Mercury (Budha) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 2 years and 10 months that is 1035 days.
Ketu Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 1 year and 2 months and 6 days that is 426 days.
Click on the following link to read more about each Mahadasa.
- Ketu (South Node) Mahadasha
- Sukra (Venus) Mahadasha
- Surya (Sun) Mahadasha
- Chandra (Moon) Mahadasha
- Mangal (Mars) Mahadasha
- Rahu (North Node) Mahadasha
- Guru (Jupiter) Mahadasha
- Sani (Saturn) Mahadasha
- Budha (Mercury) Mahadasha