Rahu Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology
Written by KT Astrologer
Rahu Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology
Rahu is a materialistic planet and it represents wealth, pleasure, enjoyment, etc. Rahu does not rule any sign like Ketu, but they have given as the status of a planet. It is just a shadow of moon at the north node. Since the shadow is so powerful, both rahu and ketu gets the planet status. Rahu is known ad dragon's head and Ketu is known as dragon's tail.
Usually Rahu does not favour much in majority of the people. When Rahu is a benefic planet on a chart, the person will be so lucky and he or she will continue to see great success and may get awards during its mahadasa. Cricket player Sachin Tendulkar got very famous and achived great awards during Rahu Mahadasha. Rahu is equally powerful as Saturn and blessings of Rahu can make one person to enjoy all materialistic comforts in life.
When Rahu is malefic planet, the person will have to go through lots of pain in his life. By keep on seeing painful incidents during Rahu Mahadasha, the person will develop excessive amount of emotional stress that can lead to chronic depression. Besides Rahu makes one person to become mentally challenged or the person will have mental disorders like Phobia, Bi-polar depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic attack or panic episodes. They will the life styles and worst incidents which are very hard to believe. It does give love failures also.
The person born in Thiruvathirai, Swaathi and Sadhyam stars will start their life with Rahu Maha Dasa. When Rahu occupies on 3rd, 6th and 11th house of the horoscope, then it yield favorable results. This is only a general rule. There are lots of exceptions to this rule. People born in Thula (Libra) lagna and Makara (Capricorn), will enjoy the most benefits of Rahu Maha Dasas. People born in Mesha(Aries) and Rishaba (Taurus) Lagna will experience the worst part of Rahu Maha Dasa.
The timespan of Rahu Maha Dasa is 18 years. The timespan of antardasha (bukthi or subperiod) is given below:
Rahu Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 2 years and 8 months that is 986 days.
Jupiter (Guru) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 2 years and 5 months that is 877 days.
Saturn (Sani) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 2 years and 10 months that is 1041 days.
Mercury (Budha) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 2 years and 7 months that is 931 days.
Ketu Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 1 year and 18 days that is 383 days.
Venus (Sukra) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 3 years that is 1096 days.
Sun (Surya) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 10 months that is 329 days.
Moon (Chandra) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 1 year and 6 months that is 548 days.
Mars (Chevvai / Mangal / Kuja) Antardasha (Bukthi)
The timespan is about 1 year and 18 days that is 383 days.
Click on the following link to read more about each Mahadasa.
- Ketu (South Node) Mahadasha
- Sukra (Venus) Mahadasha
- Surya (Sun) Mahadasha
- Chandra (Moon) Mahadasha
- Mangal (Mars) Mahadasha
- Rahu (North Node) Mahadasha
- Guru (Jupiter) Mahadasha
- Sani (Saturn) Mahadasha
- Budha (Mercury) Mahadasha