Vasthu Sastra - Dining
Dining area is the place where the family get together and eating their food. People do often have the habit of eating while watching TV or talking with other people in the family room, etc. Now lets focus on where to keep the Dining Room or Area as per Vasthu Sastra.
The best location for the dining room is on the East if the Kitchen is location on South East. The best location for the dining room is on the West if the Kitchen is location on North West. The direction East is ruled by Indira Dev and indicates longevity. The direction west ruled by Varunan denotes Pleasure and Luck. Note that the best location for having kitchen is only on South East and North West.
What if you cannot make the Dining Area as per Vasthu? Stick to your natal chart for support! Make sure you get enough nutrition on your diet and keep checking your sugar and cholesterol levels at least annually.
Still if you get confused, you can look into table given on the Main Page on Vasthu Sastra to see the elements and its benefits and you can go with what you want in your life.
Click on the following link to check the appropriate place of construction based on Vasthu Sastra:
Vasthu Sastra
- Entrance
- Kitchen
- Dining
- Puja Room
- Study Room
- Bedroom
- Master Bed Room
- Lockers or Jewels Storage
- Bath Rooms
- Garage
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