Vasthu Sastra - Study Room
The eduction of the children is very important for parents in the family. Study room is the place where the children do study and obtain the knowledge.
Kids need to perform well. And also they should not get deviated and lose their focus on their studies. The best place for having study room is the north east. The children need to sleep facing east.
In general East is considered very good even though you cannot make it to have study room on the north east. Make sure you put the table on the North East corner located on the study room facing east.
Still if you get confused, you can look into table given on the Main Page on Vasthu Sastra to see the elements and its benefits and you can go with what you want in your life.
Click on the following link to check the appropriate place of construction based on Vasthu Sastra:
Vasthu Sastra
- Entrance
- Kitchen
- Dining
- Puja Room
- Study Room
- Bedroom
- Master Bed Room
- Lockers or Jewels Storage
- Bath Rooms
- Garage
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