Vasthu Sastra - Kitchen
People especially womens give most importance to Kitchen whether they cook at home or eating outside.
When it comes to Vasthu Sastra, the ideal place to have Kitchen is on the South East corner followed by North West. South East is ruled by Agni Dev (Fire) and North West is ruled by Vayu Dev (Air). Both Air - ventilation and Fire is important for cooking.
The food with good nutrition is importance for having good health and longevity. How the decoration and kitchen island is important, in the same way, where we keep the stove is also very important.
Still if you get confused, you can look into table given on the Main Page on Vasthu Sastra to see the elements and its benefits and you can go with what you want in your life.
Click on the following link to check the appropriate place of construction based on Vasthu Sastra:
Vasthu Sastra
- Entrance
- Kitchen
- Dining
- Puja Room
- Study Room
- Bedroom
- Master Bed Room
- Lockers or Jewels Storage
- Bath Rooms
- Garage
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