Software & Finance
Turbo C / C++ - Downloads
Turbo C Downloads
Turbo C - Diamond Star pattern using For Loops
Turbo C - Left and Right Aligned pattern using For Loops
Turbo C - Guess the Number in 5 attempts
Turbo C - Guess the Secret Word
Turbo C Simple Student Mark List Preparation
Turbo C Permutation Algorithm
Turbo C - Tower Of Hanoi Algorithm
Kaprekar Transformation 3 Digit Number ends with 495
Turbo C Graphics - Move Objects using cursor keys - Left,Right,Up,Down Arrow Keys
Turbo C - Scroll Text Using gotoxy and printf
Turbo C - Check whether a point is inside or outside the Circle
Turbo C - Check whether a point is inside or outside the Triangle
Turbo C - Find Area and Perimeter of a Triangle Given 3 points
Turbo C - Find Acute, Obtuse or Right Angle Triangle Given 3 points
Turbo C - Sum of 0 - N numbers = n * (n + 1) / 2
Turbo C - Sum of All Numbers given the range
Turbo C - Sum of Even Numbers given the range
Turbo C - Sum of Odd Numbers given the range
Turbo C - Distance between the two points
Turbo C - Equation of a line
Turbo C - Slope of a line
Turbo C - Check the point lies on the line (projected either direction)
Turbo C - Check the point lies on the line segment
Turbo C - Intersecting point of two lines given endpoints
Turbo C - Intersecting point of two lines given line equation
Turbo C - Intersection of Two Line Segments
Turbo C - Finding Armstrong Numbers
Turbo C - Fibonacci Series
Turbo C / C++ - Program to find Square Root - Algorithm Method
Turbo C Graphics - Complete Menu Design Source Code along with Navigation and Popup
- Excellent Graphics Program you should never miss this one...!!!!
Quadratic Equation Solver - ax2+bx+c=0
Turbo C Graphics - Using bar and setfillstyle functions
Turbo C Graphics - Using line and setlinestyle functions
Turbo C Graphics - Crystal Drawing and Rotating Animation
Turbo C++ Downloads
Turbo C++ - Union of Two Arrays
Turbo C++ - Intersection of Two Arrays
Turbo C++ - Find Unique Elements for an Array
Turbo C++ - Tower Of Hanoi Algorithm
C++ - Binary Search Tree Validation
C++ - Binary Search Tree Basic Operations
C++ - Binary Search Tree Minimum and Maximum Value
C++ - Binary Search Tree Printing
C++ - Binary Search Tree Calculating depth
C++ - Binary Search Tree Inserting a node
C++ - Binary Search Tree Struct Definition
C++ - Reversing the words in a line
C++ - Reversing the bits in a number
C++ - Rotating a number
C++ - Reversing a string
C++ - Rotating a string
Turbo C++ Program for Number to Text Conversion
Turbo C++ - String To Number Conversion
C++ - Calculate Covariance and Correlation
C++ - Sample Data Set for ZERO Correlation and Covariance
Program in Turbo C++ for Menu driven Student mark list preparation
Program in Turbo C++ for Menu driven Product Master Creation
Program in Turbo C++ for Palindrome of a Number
Program in Turbo C++ to Reverse a Number
Program in Turbo C++ for Counting the Number of Digits of a Number
Program in Turbo C++ for Sample Stack With Template
Program in Turbo C++ for Applying Queue Technique for Rail Road Car Rearrangement
Program in Turbo C++ for Sample Queue With Template and Regular Sorting
Program in Turbo C++ for Checking Leap Year
Program in Turbo C++ for Time Span Counting the number of days between two days
Program in Turbo C++ for Simple Student Grading Logic
Program in Turbo C++ to Draw Text mode Grid / Tables using ASCII Characters
Program in Turbo C++ for Menu Driven Student DB handling using Flat File
Program in Turbo C++ for Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) Clock Sample
Program in Turbo C++ Graphics for Moving Object
Program in Turbo C++ for calculating GCD and LCM
Program in Turbo C++ to calculate Prime Factor
Program in Turbo C++ for Generating Prime Numbers
Program in Turbo C++ for Decimal to Binary and Binary to Decimal Conversion
Program in Turbo C++ to read Function Keys
Program in Turbo C++ XY Scatter Graph
Progarm in Turbo C++ Graphics Pie Chart
Program in Turbo C++ Graphics Blinking Words
Program in Turbo C++ Graphics Plotting Sin, Cos and Tan Series
Program in Turbo C++ Graphics Drawing Circles Using Pixels
Program to start with Graphics using Turbo C++
C++ Program for Sample Vector Implementation
C++ Program for Fahrenheit Celsius Conversion
C++ Program for Printing ASCII Characters
C++ Program to Count no. of Characters, Words and Lines
C++ Program for Insertion Sorting Algorithm
C++ Program for Bubble Sorting Algorithm
C++ Program to calculate Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation
C++ Program to check and print Prime Numbers
C++ Program to perform Matrix Multiplication using C++ class operator overloading
C++ Program to perform Matrix Addition & Subtraction - using C++ class operator overloading
C++ Program to perform Matrix Multliplication with out using Classes - simple version
C++ Program to perform Matrix Addition & Subtraction with out using Classes - simple version
C++ Program to calculate Area for Circle, Triangle, Rectangle
C++ Program to find Square Root - Method1
C++ Program to check the number is a Perfect Square
C++ Program to convert a Binary Number to Decimal Number
C++ Program to convert a Decimal Number to a Binary Number
C++ Program to find the Factorial of a number using Recursion
C++ Program to count individual digits of a given number
C++ Program to count the unique number of ASCII characters in a given string
C++ Program to convert numbers to text
Turbo C++ Program to Reverse Singly Linked List
Turbo C++ Program for Singly Linked Circular List
Turbo C++ Program for Doubly Linked List
Turbo C++ Program for Singly Linked List
C++ Program for Binary Tree Traversal
C++ Program for Sample Singleton Class
C++ Program for Sorting Strings in Ascending Order
C++ Program for Sorting Integers in Ascending Order
C++ Program for 3 Dimensional Array Dynamic Memory Allocation and Deallocation
C++ Program to check given string is a PALINDROME or not
C++ Program to Display Numbers using for, while and do while loop
C++ Program using loops to Read Numbers and check ODD or EVEN
C++ Program using loops to Copy File
C++ Program using loops to Reverse String
C++ Program loops to Build Pattern of * and numbers
Turbo C
Turbo C
Turbo C++
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