Progressed Moon Conjunct Natal Mercury
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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Progressed Moon conjunct with Natal Mercury only once in about 29 - 30 years.
Mercury is a communication planet. When progressed moon conjunct with Mercury, your thinking power will go up. It is an excellent time for doing research and further studies. Your intellectual skills will go with this aspect. Ph.D and other research students, doctors, scientist, IT people will shine very well during this aspect.
However Mercury is badly placed on your chart, it may end up in creating mental depression and other mental disorder. Rather than looking at particular aspect, it is always to better to analyze the natal chart first before concluding any such aspects will yield favorable results or not.
Also note that progressed moon cycle of about 30 years exactly matches with Saturn cycle of 30 years and hence progressed moon has given paramount importance in western astrology.