Vedic Astrology Predictions by KT Astrologer

Progressed Moon Trine Natal Moon

Written by KT Astrologer


Progressed Moon trine with natal moon will be effective for about 60 days. It happens in two times in about 29 - 30 years. This aspect is considered as very good.


Progressed Moon trine with Natal Moon happens when Progressed Moon is transiting into 5th house from Natal Moon. The second trine aspect happens after 10 years of first trine aspect, that is when Progressed Moon is transiting into 9th house from Natal Moon.


Moon represents mind, mother, memory, imagination, inner feelings, thinking power, intellectual, positive attitude, early life of a person, mother and maternal side relatives, etc. When progressed moon makes trine aspect with natal moon, you will see your thinking power will go up and you will be able to do more research. It is an ideal time to see great success for Ph.D students, people involved in research and development field. Doctors involved in mental therapy, psychiatric, psychology will have excellent time. Patient with mentally retarded might get proper medication and cure during this time provided their natal chart supports.


Also note that progressed moon cycle of about 30 years exactly matches with Saturn cycle of 30 years and hence progressed moon has given paramount importance in western astrology.