Progressed Moon Conjunct Natal Sun
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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Progressed Moon conjunct with Natal Sun only once in about 29 - 30 years.
This has given more importance since it is also a new moon day. This indicates the begining of a new phase in your life. You will come out of the past feeling and getting ready to start something new or want to try something different from what you are doing now.
The key point of determining the fortune if the ascendant. The relationship with ascendant lord and Sun is given more importance. If the ascendant lord and Sun are mutually friends, then progressed moon conjunct with natal sun can yield great fortune for you. Otherwise you are likely to face more challenges in your life.
Also note that progressed moon cycle of about 30 years exactly matches with Saturn cycle of 30 years and hence progressed moon has given paramount importance in western astrology.