Vedic Astrology Predictions by KT Astrologer

Progressed Moon Conjunct Natal Rahu

Predictions written by KT Astrologer Connect in Facebook


Progressed Moon conjunct with Natal Rahu only once in about 29 - 30 years.


Rahu is a Sarpa Graha and is a dragon's head. It will punish for the bad deeds done in the past. When progressed moon conjunct with Rahu, you will go through severe mental stress. It is not a good time to start anything new. You will get bombarded with sequence of problems.


You will be very much stressed out and your work pressure and tension will go up. Your family environment will be problematic. Besides it is a challenging period for your finance also.


Also note that progressed moon cycle of about 30 years exactly matches with Saturn cycle of 30 years and hence progressed moon has given paramount importance in western astrology.