Progressed Moon Opposite Natal Mercury
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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Progressed Moon Opposite with natal mercury will be effective for about 60 days. It happens only once in about 29 - 30 years.
Progressed Moon Opposite with Natal Mercury happens when Progressed Moon is transiting into 7th house from Natal Mercury. It happens after 15 years of Progressed Moon Conjunct Natal Mercury. This aspect brings up more challenges in life and it is not considered good in general.
Mercury represents communication, transportation, techonlogy, travel, brain, nervous system and physical co-ordination, etc. When progressed moon makes Opposite natal Mercury, you may expect lots of communication delays and problems. The projects you do will not go well and you have to revisit the design and correct the mistakes. It is better to avoid travelling during this time since it can bring mors tress for you. People involved in communication (mobile, radio, satellite, TV) and transportation (Airport, flight, ground transportation, mailing services) will face more challenges than others.
If you have a weak and malefic mercury placement on your chart, it will your situation much worse by creating severe mental depressions and mental disorder. People will develop phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, paranoid personality disorder, panic attack, panic episode, etc. Do not get feared when you read this. This can happen only if you have very weak and malefic mercury placement and also along with other malefic such as Saturn and Mars.
Also note that progressed moon cycle of about 30 years exactly matches with Saturn cycle of 30 years and hence progressed moon has given paramount importance in western astrology.