Progressed Moon Square Natal Mars
Predictions written by KT Astrologer
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Progressed Moon square with natal mars will be effective for about 60 days. It happens in two times in about 29 - 30 years. This aspect is considered as bad.
Progressed Moon Square with Natal Mars happens when Progressed Moon is transiting into 4th house from Natal Mars. The second Square aspect happens after 15 years of first Square aspect, that is when Progressed Moon is transiting into 10th house from Natal Mars.
Mars represents energy, war, police, sports, conflicts and arguments, risk taking, ego, aggressive attitude, sexuality and power. When progressed moon makes Square aspect with natal Mars, you will get lot unwanted energies that can make you work harder and faster. You will tend to take more control over others but will end up in failure creating more mental disstress for you. You will have severe conficts and fights with your spouse also. It is going to be very difficult time at your workplace and since people around you will play politics against you. This is the time to be very cautious and patience. Any hasty decisions will give you very bad results duirng this time.
Also note that progressed moon cycle of about 30 years exactly matches with Saturn cycle of 30 years and hence progressed moon has given paramount importance in western astrology.